Armory College Prep Middle School Program
Academic Enrichment
At ACP MS, our goal is to develop a love of learning in our students. For college and lifelong success, students must be self-motivated and self-driven learners.
Using Khan Academy, ACP MS provides academic support and builds habits of academic reflection. Khan Academy allows students to work at their own pace, monitor their own progress and learn new material. With persistence and our guidance, our students achieve academically and are more motivated outside our classroom walls.
Computer Science
High quality computer science education empowers students to be active participants and citizens in an increasingly technological world. A pathway both to college and careers, computer science education aligns with ACP MS’ vision of preparing students for lifelong success. Our students become technology enthusiasts and discerning digital users.
With hard work and engaging opportunities, we are nurturing their computational thinking, problem solving, and communication skills so that they can become the next generation of leaders in technology and innovation.
High School Application Guidance
There are over 500 high schools for eighth graders to choose from in New York City. These schools vary in the number of students enrolled, areas of focus, graduation rates, and required travel time. Our program walks students and their families through the process of finding the best schools possible while tailoring the process to the students’ needs.
Attending the right high school can be life-changing, and we assist all students in navigating the maze of school visits, interviews, exams, and, if necessary, portfolios.
Nationwide Evaluation Association's MAP exam: ACP Middle School Student vs. U.S.
Who are our students?
The Armory College Prep Middle School Program is open to any students in grades 6-8 who participate in CityTrack. CityTrack is The Armory’s no-cost after school track & field program for middle school students who live or go to school in the Inwood, Washington Heights and Harlem communities of New York City.
When do we meet?
During the 2021-2022 school year, we met on Mondays & Wednesdays from 3:30pm-5:00pm at The Armory. Our six-week summer program in July to mid-August runs from Mondays through Thursdays, 9:00am-4:00pm.
“By the time our middle school students graduate from college, there will be over 1.2 million new jobs in STEM. Our middle school program teaches students proficiency to not only succeed in these fields, but lead the way. The skills students develop in our classroom will change their lives.”
A space built with learning in mind —
The Armory is proud to house more than just one of the finest track & field arenas in the country; our two beautifully and strategically designed classrooms enable our Armory College Prep Program students to spend their after school hours in an environment that supports their academic and social growth.
Be it for building robots with LEGOs, creating video games, taking a short yoga break, or simply navigating back and forth between laptop and notebook, students have adequate workspace to move comfortably and efficiently for an optimal learning experience.
How can I register my child for this program?
Please email Alberto Aquino, Director of Armory College Prep Middle School Program, for more information: