The Armory Foundation

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A Celestial Celebration at CityTrack & Little Feet!

On Monday, April 8th, CityTrack & Little Feet took a break from our usual routine to witness a truly extraordinary sight: a solar eclipse!

As the children arrived, we equipped them with special solar eclipse glasses and a commemorative event t-shirt. Then, together with their coaches, they ventured outside to a designated viewing area located between Fort Washington Ave and Broadway on 169th St. There, with approximately 170 children participating, we had a front-row seat to witness over 90% of the sun being covered!

For roughly 15 minutes, our students were captivated by this awe-inspiring natural phenomenon. Many were even joined by their parents, making it a truly special shared experience.

Following this celestial spectacle, we returned indoors and continued with our regularly scheduled program of running, jumping, and throwing exercises.

It was a fantastic morning filled with learning and wonder!